Mauve Desert Rose

The idea for this poem actually came to me when I was 14 or 15. I saw it clearly. As the years progressed I realized how much I related to this imaginary flower from the id, and finally at the age of 30 I’ve tried to make it work.

Mauve Desert Rose

This poem has been published in my book an inkling hope: select poems, available in Kindle and paperback formats. Out of consideration for those who have purchased a copy, I have removed it from this post and online viewing in general.

Beautiful Tears

This was written for an online friend after she experienced a rather bitter loss.

Beautiful Tears

For Luschka Van Olsen

Try to imagine
Crystal drops
Gentle wonder
Welling forth
Love unfettered
From heart benign…
These are your tears
Your beautiful tears

Try to fathom
Melting snowflakes
Downwardly dancing
Expressing love
From depths of pain
Longing loss
Unyielding hope…
These are your tears
Your beautiful tears

Try to envision
Lone stars falling
From star-speckled depths
Streaking aloft
Dreaming trails
Of unbridled faith…
These are your tears
Your beautiful tears