Found this hiding in the folder for February, 2003, which contains five ghazals. I managed to polish it off a bit and steady the meter some before posting.
Ridges slope to meet the waves in gradient appearance;
Foliage climbs to each lone peak in variant appearance.
Soft the half-moon’s halo glows in the subtle haze of night,
Where undulating ocean foam gleams salient appearance.
Endless in collapse upon a steady, slow expansion,
Shedding light, the sun maintains a radiant appearance.
Countless shades of blue reveal within the arching heavens
Something more felt than seen in all its ambient appearance.
Ten thousand modes of thought assume that life is nowhere else,
That we alone dream near the rim, a sapient appearance.
Emptiness can only hold the ceaseless apparitions;
Where would we have, without the void, to orient appearance?
All these forms that seem so real are passing just like thought—
Zahhar, you too are simply but a transient appearance.
This is my 109th ghazal.