My 128th ghazal, inspired by a woman with deep brown eyes.
a clarity settles deep in her soft amber eyes
and peace wells up from nearly fathomless eyes
adventure lures the heart to the mystery
of sidelong glances cast from her earthen eyes
imagination paves her path with promise
where patience lightly walks with brownstone eyes
hope found refuge under the feathery green
of one long look into her mahogany eyes
she cheers the sunbathed home of inspiration
with a glittering veneer of cherry-wood eyes
love tastes of strawberry kisses beneath dark curls
coated with the cream of her dark chocolate eyes
compassion sways against the sprawling skies
praying up to the stars with terrestrial eyes
Instead of qafiya, or that species of rhyme that occurs just before the radif (refrain), I used words loosely hyponymous with the color brown for an associative parallelism.