I have been marginally involved (as in marginalized) with the poetry scene in the Mendocino County area since about 2000. It’s strange how self-proclaimed anti-elitists tend to form their own little elitist circles. And their only bragging rights, really, are that they had enough money to be able to self-publish through a vanity press. Wow. Hmm. How impressive.
Several members of the anti-elitist circle of elites here in the area have tried to pin me to a particular school or discipline, which I’ve felt ambivalent about. On the one hand, this indicates that they’re at least aware of me and perhaps even respect some of my efforts. On the other hand this illustrates that they see my work as beneath theirs because it does not conform to their idea of what poetry should be.
Ah well. Reflecting on all this recently sparked this small write.
The Terrible Truth
Try not to confuse me
with the Formalist
the Classicist
the Structuralist
the Neo-something
I am merely an explorer
a piece of yourself left
beneath the rain-soaked coals
of a distant childhood