It stood on a hill
Overlooking the town
Plain to view
For all to see
I saw it not
For I walked
Sightless and blind
In my self-interest
It was night
When I wandered through
This lonesome desert town
And late
The shops closed
Even the drunkards
Coiled within their dens
Behind a shop
Against a hill
Stretched a mason wall
Behind which
I set my bed
For the night
And made ready
For sleep
As I lay there
Behind the wall
Fain to fall
Into my fitful slumber
I could not rest
My blood stirred within
Tensions rippled
Throughout my tired form
From the warmth
Of my bag
I looked up the hill
Rising there next to me
And felt a pull
Tugging within my chest
As a desire grew within me
To climb that hill
Who’s ridge
Faded into the night
Lost from sight
This tension within
This tug on my heart
Grew stronger still
I could no longer
Hold my peace
Such as it was
I opened my bag
And climbed the hill
Into the night
Its ridge
Was easily reached
And stretched wide
Before dropping
Back into the dark
To the right
The ridge expanded
Disappearing from sight
As well to the left
I wanted desperately
To return
Back to my bag
And close my tired eyes
Drifting off
To my place of freedom
In the ever shifting realms
From the right
Along the ridge
I felt the beckoning…
My heart raced within
I felt unsure
Of this strange lure
Yet I walked
Along the ridge
Barely lit by the light
Of a crescent moon
Smiling serene
From the pinpricked depths
Along the ground
Dark shadows
Hid slight depressions
In the earth
Wherein I tread
With little thought given
Trusting to plant
With my full weight
Each step
On solid earth
…And so I walked
Striding through shadows
Pooled in the ground
Phantom pits
Until all at once
I felt a grip
Cold within my chest
A warning
Screaming in my mind
Raising the hairs
Rigid on my neck
Sending throughout
All my form
A frozen chill
A phantom pit
Into which
I nearly tread
…Do not walk there
Before I thought to try
This shaded ground
My eye was caught
By a sight
Most unexpected
Not far from me
The ridge ended
And overlooked
The sleeping town
Nestled within
A meeting of canyons
And there
Where the ridge ended
Stood tall
Reflecting softly
What light there was
From the waning moon
A great wooden cross
Painted white
Chills shivered through me
My heart
Suddenly content
In beholding
The call
That brought me forth
From the warmth of my bag
From my much needed rest
What words could explain
The feelings within me
What words could express
That which I experienced
In that moment
I understood
He wanted me
To know
With certainty
He leads my heart
And has for me
A plan
I to this day
Can hardly fathom
And here
I walked around
That pooled shadow
And approached
The great cross
Only to find myself
Clinging to it
Expressing to him
Who called me here
All the fears
And every prayer
Of my heart
So deeply shrouded
In hopelessness
For long
There in the night
I clutched like a life-raft
A giant cross
That stood against
A darkling sky
Wind blowing
Wild into the dark…
I let go
And sat against it
Peering down
Into the sleeping town
Just comforted
That no matter my doubt
He still loved me
No matter my shame
He still cherished me
No matter what
He will be there
Always there
Even on the darkest nights…
After a while
I returned
From whence I came
Coming again
Upon that depression
Like any other
Hidden in shadow
But rather than tread
Boldly into it
I carefully ventured
One foot forth
Into the shadow
And it found no rest
…This shadow
So like the rest
Concealed a pit
A real pit
Now shaking
I fumbled on the ground
Finding a stone
Which I tossed
Into the shadow before me
And heard not the echo
Of its landing
For nigh
Forty-five seconds
In that moment
I understood
Both the cross
And the deception
Of the shadows
From which his love
Has saved me